Yeah, we’ve had a bit of a makeover, but it’s still us, don’t worry. Still the same foul-mouthed tirades against fuckheads that can’t seem to complete the most basic of driving manoeuvres.
What’s new? Well, we’ve got a small online boutique selling artisan, ethically sourced stuff, we’re hopefully going to do Cunt of the Month, and we’ll
Recently, we’ve had a LOT of demand for YPLAC merchandise, and the previous blog site wasn’t really set up for selling stuff (sadly). So here we are.

Feel free to sign up to our emails. If you’re worried about getting spammed relentlessly, don’t worry, we’re too lazy for that. You might get one email a month if you’re lucky.
So, keep sending us pics of parking cunts that ruin your day. If you get vid footage, upload it to YouTube and we’ll go to town on the link.
Cheers, all.
YPLAC Chief Cunstable.