We get all sorts of examples of shithead parking on this blog. C*nts taking two spaces, idiots parking 6ft away from the kerb, arsehole parents mounting the kerbs on the yellow zig-zags outside their little darling’s school, and so on. High up on our list has got to be ‘parking within 10 metres of a junction’. You go to turn in, and there’s that cunt, absolutely obscuring your view of the oncoming traffic that you now need to negotiate. Fuck them all, of course, but what is your biggest YPLAC bugbear? So we thought we’d put together a poll and take the temperature of the room.
The poll is completely anonymous and free to use. And if there are any categories we’ve missed, add them in at the bottom. And if this poll whets your appetite for us, head over to our shop and pick yourself up a nice bargain.